I've been a little MIA the last few days (kid's birthday weekend). Back to the grind!
Final Fantasy II SNES Unboxing
Soul Blazer Unboxing
So what's new? Well, I recently added unboxings for both Final Fantasy II SNES (USA retail version) & Soul Blazer. You can check them out by clicking the links above or by checking out my updated shrine pages:
As far as the near future of the YouTube channel: you're about to get a Zelda II: the Adventure of Link onslaught! My first ever playthrough divided in 8 videos, a no death run (one video with commentary, one without) and an episode of the Bitscast dedicated to Zelda II!
When I have time, I will also be recording & editing some more unboxings and pickups videos, as well as a special video about Robot City Games in Binghamton, NY, which we took a family trip to recently - excited about that one. Anyways guys, have a great week & stay tuned!